In digital rhythm
The undeniable fact is that we are becoming digital. From our morning walk, closely monitored in every
details by the Health app (count the steps, heartbeats...) to the conversation with friends and with
boss, everything is done through our cell phone.
The telephone is almost no longer used for conventional calls. messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, already
are becoming standard. Even the public services already use them, knowing that they are effective.
Internet commerce has had an exponential growth in the last couple of years. Beyond
purchases of clothing, hygiene and beauty products, books and music were added to purchases of daily use products
(supermarkets, pharmacy) and ready-to-eat foods.
Online banking and finance
Banking transactions, which were already carried out in large volume over the internet, increased even more in importance.
In addition to payments, transfers and other operations are increasingly popular. Proof of this is the evolution of sayings
services, such as creating the Pix mode of instant transactions.
Leisure and Entertainment
One of the most traditional segments of new digital technologies, leisure and entertainment had a growth
explosive and are even taking the world of entertainment to mobile devices, especially movies,
which already occupy an important part of the segment. Google's video platform YouTube has become one of the
most accessed vehicles.